2023 Oakland Athletics at Washington Nationals
Game Used Baseball White Baseball Paul Blackburn Pitching, Stone Garrett singles on a ground ball to right fielder Lawrence Butler. Dominic Smith scores. Ildemaro Vargas to 2nd. VT148888
We purchased the White Baseball Paul Blackburn Pitching, Stone Garrett singles on a ground ball to right fielder Lawrence Butler. Dominic Smith scores. Ildemaro Vargas to 2nd. from a large collection
Game Used Baseball White Baseball Paul Blackburn Pitching, Stone Garrett singles on a ground ball to right fielder Lawrence Butler. Dominic Smith scores. Ildemaro Vargas to 2nd. VT148888
We purchased the White Baseball Paul Blackburn Pitching, Stone Garrett singles on a ground ball to right fielder Lawrence Butler. Dominic Smith scores. Ildemaro Vargas to 2nd. from a large collection